The conceptual drawings showcase a small sampling of harnesses that I've designed for the series over the years. The sketches began in 1999 with the design
of the wrestler's harness for The Altis series. This is where it all began for me... creating a device (a harness) that would protect the pelvis of a female athlete.
They were very functional and practical with padding and straps. I sketched the thumbnail designs on my office stationery and include notes on any particular
construction or material. Please read below and learn how the harnesses have evolved over the years.

  SET 1   The begining. This is where it all started. In 1999, I designed and created my first pelvic harness.
This would be the base, the template, for all the other forms and varaiations that came after.
  SET 2   The drawings in Set 2 are the bridge between the functional and protective elements of the wrestler's
harness and the Anatomical Harnesses (photo set) that are featured in this site. You can easily see
the anatomy of the pelvis pushing through the 'protectiveness' of each design. The iliac crest and the
bridge of the pubic symphysis are clearly visible now.
  SET 3   In Set 3, you can see the leap into the pelvic anatomy, leaving behind the 'protectiveness' that
was once so present. I am now using the model's own bone structure as reference points to build each
concept. In essence, the harnesses in this set clearly 'mimic' the pelvis bone itself. These harnesses
became the precursor to the Metamorphic Harnesses, where there are no real references to the pelvic
bone structure anymore, but where I instead drape and build each concept based on instinct and feel.
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